#692...Full Moon and Crow...4"x4"...sold
#653...Beacon Hill Park trail...4"x4"...sold
Tiny #678 4"x3.5"...sold
#658 Orange you glad it's almost Christmas? 5.5"x4"...$65
Tiny #652
#564...Anna's Hummingbird ...4"x4"...$50
#645...Spinning Otter...3”x5.5”
Otter – Unobstructed Joy, Playfulness, Contentment
Perhaps the most joyful creature within the Animal Spirit deck, the Otter represents absolute bliss. Otter energy is the playfulness of a child, available to us at any age. They have a giddiness and reverence for life itself, without the presence of doubt, worry, or skepticism
#643...Rufous Hummingbird...3"x4"...
#641 Anna's Hummingbird feeding her young...4"x3.5"...$45
#639...Sea otter and pup in the kelp...5"x5"...sold